An apple a day… Remember that? Well, an apple a day can keep the heart doctor away. What?


apple-heart-healthDr. Robert DiSilvestro of the Ohio State University reports on a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods that  in research with healthy, middle-aged adults, consumption of one apple a day for four weeks lowered by 40 percent blood levels of a substance linked to hardening of the arteries. 

ldl-cholesterol-down-arrowApples lower blood levels of the “bad” cholesterol which plays a central role in inflammation and damage to the lining of our arteries which leads to “hardening of the arteries” also known as atherosclerosis.

Dr. DiSilvestro, lead researcher in the study and professor of human nutrition,  explains that “We got a tremendous effect against LDL being oxidized with just one apple a day for four weeks.

How does this work? Apples have antioxidants in them called polyphenols.  They scavenge or neutralize free radicals – those particles that cause so much damage through inflammation and creating the effect that causes “ldl” to lead to atherosclerosis.

A report published in Life Extension Magazine, drawing upon dozens of research studies explains:

  • Polyphenols derived from apples have powerful effects on preventing and even reversing the effects of oxidation, inflammation
  • Apple skins contain a unique polyphenol, phloridzin, that has powerful, multi-targeted effects that can help to reduce the damage caused by high blood sugar
  • These effects produce measurable results in preventing chronic, age-related conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, high blood sugar, and even serious infections. 

One more thingeat organic apples only!  Apples that are not organic have high levels of pesticides.

Want to learn more while you’re slicing up that apple?







apple-heart-healthDr. Robert DiSilvestro of the Ohio State University reports on a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods that  in research with healthy, middle-aged adults, consumption of one apple a day for four weeks lowered by 40 percent blood levels of a substance linked to hardening of the arteries. 

ldl-cholesterol-down-arrowApples lower blood levels of the “bad” cholesterol which plays a central role in inflammation and damage to the lining of our arteries which leads to “hardening of the arteries” also known as atherosclerosis.

Dr. DiSilvestro, lead researcher in the study and professor of human nutrition,  explains that “We got a tremendous effect against LDL being oxidized with just one apple a day for four weeks.

How does this work? Apples have antioxidants in them called polyphenols.  They scavenge or neutralize free radicals – those particles that cause so much damage through inflammation and creating the effect that causes “ldl” to lead to atherosclerosis.

A report published in Life Extension Magazine, drawing upon dozens of research studies explains:

  • Polyphenols derived from apples have powerful effects on preventing and even reversing the effects of oxidation, inflammation
  • Apple skins contain a unique polyphenol, phloridzin, that has powerful, multi-targeted effects that can help to reduce the damage caused by high blood sugar
  • These effects produce measurable results in preventing chronic, age-related conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, high blood sugar, and even serious infections. 

One more thingeat organic apples only!  Apples that are not organic have high levels of pesticides.

Want to learn more while you’re slicing up that apple?
